Welcome To My Collection

      1982 I was struck by lightning in form of a Sindy in red tights and  leotard. "Sindy Dancer" my first doll was my companion for many years. She was quickly baptized to Maria Larsson (no idea where I got the name), and she ruled as a matriarch of the rest of my girly room inhabitants. The Sindy dolls expanded over the years into a whole comunity, where the stuffed animals had to make room for England's answer to the Barbie doll. At that time, it did not matter what they were wearing, home madet or competing brands. But now the game is over and the collection has started! No turning back! Now days, my Sindy never wears other fashion than the Pedigree and Hasbro fashion. The latter took over the production of Sindy 1987..


Sindy Fashion from 1970 to 1992

     I have in my search for complete outfits encountered confusion about what year Sindy was wearing what. Therefore, I think that maybe even you ponder and seek answers. Here you can take part of what I found out and how my collection portrays itself. Also, I want to present my "families" that I created with my friends and faithfully adhered to.


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